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Frequently asked questions

Normally people over 65 who have ties with the area where the house is located. Residents need to be able to care for themselves independently.

Abbeyfield housing is for single people, not couples.

Yes, a housekeeper is employed to provide meals, do the grocery shopping, and clean the communal areas such as the lounge and kitchen. Nursing care is not provided.

Rents vary from house to house and cover your board and lodging, meals, power and the house’s operating costs. Abbeyfield operates on a not for profit basis, and input from our local volunteers helps keep costs down. Residents are eligible for the National Superannuation Living Alone allowance and may also qualify for the Accommodation Supplement depending on their circumstances.

No. Residents pay only their fortnightly rent.

A residential tenancy agreement will be provided for you to sign before you move in.

Residents furnish their own rooms. Abbeyfield furnishes the communal areas.

Yes, residents clean their own rooms. You may engage domestic help at your own cost if you wish, or you may qualify for home help funded through your district health board.

There is strong evidence to show that older people have better nutrition when they eat meals in the company of others. All meals are provided by Abbeyfield, and served in the dining room for all residents to sit down and share together. Residents may not cook in their own room for safety reasons, or use the main kitchen to prepare their meals. When unwell, residents may have their meals in their own room, otherwise it is expected they will join the others in the dining room. Facilities are provided for making hot drinks in their studio unit.

As a relatively small accommodation provider, the same meal is prepared for everyone, although the cook can work around leaving some items off plates for special diets. When you first apply, please tell us if you have a special dietary need, so we can consider if it will be practical for us to cater to that. To support social connection, it is intended that residents eat together in the dining room for the midday and evening meals. Breakfast foods are provided in the dining room.

No. Abbeyfield houses are smokefree.

Each house makes its own decisions regarding pets. A bird or goldfish is generally OK, but you’ll need to enquire about the policy on pets such as dogs or cats.

Yes, we usually ask that prospective residents stay in the house for a trial period of one to two weeks before deciding to move in. A guest room or vacant suite may be used. If that is not possible, prospective residents will be invited to share meals at the house to meet other residents.

Yes, friends and family can stay in the guest room if the house has one, or they may be able to share your room for a short period. There may be a small charge to cover food.

The local Abbeyfield Society, which is run by volunteers. It handles applications, employs staff, and maintains the property. The committee also takes an active interest in the well-being of residents.

Each house has its own rules, which are set by the House Committee in discussion with residents. They are no usually no more than normal courtesies.

Abbeyfield New Zealand is keen to expand into more parts of the country and we welcome approaches from people interested in starting a house in their area. Please contact the national office for more information or see Starting a New House.

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