Congratulations to Barry Mills and Susan Jenkins,…
Covid-19 restrictions lifted at houses
Abbeyfield houses are now operating normally again, with restrictions on visitors that were imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic now lifted. With the country moving to alert level 1 on June 9, this means there are no longer restrictions on visitor numbers at Abbeyfield houses, or where visitors can go in the houses. However, visitors who are unwell should still not visit, to protect the health of our residents, staff and volunteers.
Our Abbeyfield houses will continue to maintain good hygiene practices and we are also encouraging residents, staff and volunteers to keep of a record of where they go for contact tracing purposes, in line with the Government’s recommendations.
Abbeyfield NZ is also seeking feedback from residents and our Abbeyfield societies on their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic so we can learn from this extraordinary event. The results of the surveys will help us prepare for any similar events in future.